A legislative resource for energy related issues and information


Q: What is a PAC?
A: Our policy advocacy committee is comprised of funds that allow employees with a common interest to pool their resources to support candidates for state or federal public office. By law, it is illegal for corporations to use funds to make contributions to federal and most state candidates; however, corporations may establish PACs to make such contributions and participate directly in campaigns.

PACs were formally established in 1974 as part of Congress’ first effort toward campaign finance reform. They are the most legal, transparent and monitored form of being part of the political process.

Q: Why does our Company have PACs?
A: The Company has two PACs to help enable our companies to pool resources to support candidates and organizations at state and/or federal level that share the same interests and concerns on issues important to the company. These issues have a direct connection with investment in our communities and, more importantly, on increasing the number of high-quality jobs. This is an important time for the energy industry, with decisions made by members of Congress and state leaders profoundly affecting how we operate and perform in the market place.

Q: Why should I join my employee PAC?
A: Each business unit has a stake in the political process. Consequently, so does every employee. Your voluntary, non-tax deductible donation will help provide the resources the PAC needs to be effective and to ensure that our collective voice is heard.

Without a strong PAC, our Company will not have the resources it needs to build crucial relationships with political candidates and organizations.

Q: How do I join a PAC?
A: There are several ways to invest your PAC. Individuals can (1) register online at pac.vistracorp.com, (2) scan and email an enrollment card to pac@vistracorp.com, (3) fax an enrollment card to 214-812-3455 or (4) inside mail an enrollment card to Sierra 2N-36F. You can choose to make a payroll deduction donation or a one-time donation.

Q: Who is eligible to participate in the PAC?
A: Vistra Employee PAC: Salaried employees of the Company who are U.S. citizens or on a permanent-resident visa. Salaried employees who supervise Bargaining Unit employees for at least 50% of time on job are only eligible to join Vistra Employee State PAC.

Vistra Employee State PAC: All hourly employees of the Company who are U.S. Citizens or in the U.S. on a permanent-resident visa as well as salaried employees who supervise Bargaining Unit employees for at least 50% of time on job who are U.S. Citizens or in the U.S. on a permanent-resident visa.

Q: What if I choose not to join?
A: Participation is recommended, but strictly voluntary. Giving amounts are merely suggestions. You are free to give more or less than the listed amounts, and the amount of your donation or decision to or not to contribute will not positively or negatively affect your position or employment with the company.

Q: What if the PAC contributes to a candidate who does not align with my personal political party or personal positions?
A: Our PACs are nonpartisan and support candidates and political organizations at the state and federal levels that share the same interests and concerns on the issues important to the Company. It’s possible that some will support social issues you oppose. However, by actively engaging in the political process on other levels, you can also serve to help candidates who share your personal, social beliefs.

Q: Can our PACs really make a difference?
A: Yes, there is strength in numbers! A successful PAC is a highly effective way to express views, help provide a basis for decision-making and ensure that the collective voice of the Company is heard.

Q: Do other companies have PACs?
A: Most companies, including our competitors, labor unions, law firms, and trade associations all have PACs. There are thousands of PACs registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) as well as thousands in the states in which the Company operates.

Q: Who decides what candidate receives a PAC contribution?
A: Several factors are considered before making a decision on which campaign to support including: the viability of the candidate, the candidate’s background, their presence on committees of jurisdiction, and their levels of leadership. Once a formal request has been made, your PAC Steering Committee, made up of your colleagues from various locations, makes the final decision on which candidate receives a PAC contribution. The Steering Committee authorizes all expenditures from the PAC.

Q: How does the PAC spend the money it receives from employees like me?
A: Every dollar given to your PAC is used for one purpose and that’s to contribute to federal and/or state candidates who understand our industry and business goals and will make informed decisions on issues that impact our employees, customers and shareholders. Expenses to operate the PAC including administrative costs, events, gifts, staff and travel are paid by the Company out of the political affairs budget.

Q: How will I know what the PAC is doing?
A: All PAC members receive periodical communication from the PAC, Voters Guide for state and federal elections, will be invited to attend Government-Affairs-hosted meet & greets and will receive various other communications throughout the year. Other benefits provided depend upon each member’s level of participation.