A legislative resource for energy related issues and information


Vistra has two corporate PACs. Under the law, only eligible employees can be solicited to join their PAC. To join your employee PAC, please click on your PAC logo below. It will take you to a screen where you can join online. If you’d prefer to join via an enrollment card, email pac@vistracorp.com to have one sent to you.


employees of the Company who are U.S. citizens or on a permanent-resident visa. Salaried employees who supervise Bargaining Unit employees for at least 50% of time on job are only eligible to join Vistra Employee State PAC.

All hourly employees of the Company who are U.S. Citizens or in the U.S. on a permanent-resident visa as well as salaried employees who supervise Bargaining Unit employees for at least 50% of time on job who are U.S. Citizens or in the U.S. on a permanent-resident visa.